This is one of my final finishes for 2010. The style is called lasagna. Basically you sew a many mile long strip of same width scraps. A strip about 40m long makes a nice single bed size. Then fold it back on itself and sew the long side together. This step is repeated until you have a quilt the size and shape you want. There are other variations for this style of quilt. This particular quilt was made from the last kit I got ready for my Scrap Bag Quilters group.

The strips were 3 1/2" wide.
I was able to find my Number 6 UFO, and to get out my blue scraps for the Rainbow Challenge. My stitching will be focused on getting two quilts quilted so a friend who is getting radiation treatments can fill her spare moments finishing the binding. Since we live in a very small town we have to go to a city three hours away for this type of treatment. No need to ask how I know. The hospital has a residence for we out of towners but it is nice to have something to do to help pass the time. Joanne