This quilt is Woven Ribbons from Quilters Cache. I am donating it to the Kincardine Sunset Guild for their outreach project this year. It was very easy to put together. I virtually never work with pastels so that was different for me. I have finished a baby quilt and two doll quilts for the next Scrap Bag meeting. I feel as though I am back at it. That being said my workhorse Bernina needs repair and it will be almost two weeks before we can get it to the machine repair person and then he will have it for a couple of weeks at least. The foot pedal is not connecting. We tried to take it apart ourselves and were not successful, so we figured a professional repair was in order.
I had a great trip to Helen's for her annual April Fool's Day sale. Everything in the store is half price. I took my own bag and it was completely full when I walked out. I was primarily stash enhancing, no specific projects in mind. Joanne